All contracts for water treatment services should be reviewed on a periodic basis in order to ensure that the water treatment vendor’s results are in line with the goals and objectives of the client and meet all contract specifications. At certain times, it is proper to put the water treatment contract out to bid. Ambient can simplify the bid process by handling all aspects of the complex project. From writing the solid and realistic bid specifications to drafting the water treatment contract, Ambient’s expertise benefits the client by identifying the most qualified vendor that can provide the service at the lowest reasonable cost to client. Ambient routinely works with corporate purchasing, facility management and engineering to achieve the desired results.
Some of the benefits of using Ambient to manage the bid process are:

- Ambient’s knowledge of the vendor’s corporate, regional, district and field service capabilities are critical in choosing the best company. Each company has varying strengths and weaknesses in each location. We help to define those so that the company chosen is the proper fit for your facility.
- Ambient’s ability to ensure that all bids are evaluated in an “apples to apples” format through comprehensive bid specifications and forms of bid. The results of the bid are condensed to a spreadsheet format (with footnotes) that is readily understandable.
- Ambient ability to host bid interviews with all or a “short list” of bidders, which provides the client with a hands-on opportunity to evaluate a prospective water treatment vendor. Many bid standings are rearranged after we host the interview process.
- Ambient’s bid evaluation format, which provides the client with a concise comparison of the bids and identifies the strengths and weaknesses of each bidder. The final step in a successfully managed bid is utilizing Ambient’s experience in drafting a contract for chemicals and services. The contract can be used alone or be incorporated into a client’s standard form of contract. It insures that both the vendor and the client know exactly what is expected from each of them and greatly minimizes later disagreements.